The Way Out...

John M Keynes

        Man is of a species.  Each member possesses the identical operating system (an OS) as all others.  Problem: how to reconcile the OS of a rational, dimensional animal with spectra beyond the bounds of natural existence? There’s only one way: to voluntarily incorporate the un-real, un-natural, un-dimensional forms of script through assimilation and accommodation into neural triggers.  And to do this?

Animals Escaping

        Man must recognize and accept the nature of script as product…man-made, created, designed, and used for one purpose—as a manufactured repository of speech (actual or as thought) at the time written. For all script, of whatever nature, is but a literal bank, an out-of-time repository dormant until activated by a conscious, corporeal, dimensional-in-all-aspects brain that accepts incorporeal out-of-time forms as such…forms without substantive base but voluntarily made malleable and accepted as tags, activated by an autonomous brain in sequential time to comprise receptive language. 

Quit It!