…is the testing of third graders for reading skills a crime?
…don’t 99% of RT’s (Reading Teachers) know what they’re doing?
…is the way elementary school students are “taught” to read responsible for dropouts and later school failures?
…are 32 million Americans, 19% of high school grads, 70% of prison inmates, and 774 million worldwide…illiterate?
…are third graders who can’t hit grade level in reading four times more likely to drop out?
How RT’s (Reading Teachers) fail our children!
What “Reading” really is!
Why the “Whole Word” system disrupts the brain’s operational structure!
How YOU can help children, struggling students, and adults become proficient readers and speakers of English!
A technique anyone can use to help anyone, physically capable, end illiteracy.
A “Recipe” to break the barriers and get “non-readers” to read!